Meeting in Belgium 23th - 27th March 2011

Workshop 1 - "Public Centre for Social Help"
The meeting in Belgium was attended by both students and teachers. During workshop 1 participants were given a detailed account of the work carried out by the Public Centre for Social Help. This presentation was given by staff and students of the centre. The volunteer staff aspect was particularly highlighted as was the degree of success the centre has had.   

Workshop 2 - Social measures to assist the disadvantaged at national, regional and local levels
This workshop concentrated on identifying the measures and agencies involved in working to combat disadvantage in each country. A questionnaire was circulated in advance of the Belgium meeting seeking to ascertain if similar structures existed for such work in all of the partner countries or if significant differences might emerge. The survey results showed a high level of uniformity between the partner countries particularly in respect of the work of voluntary agencies. Each country presented a case study of at least two agencies working with disadvantaged people with an emphasis on the type of services and supports being offered, the staffing levels, funding sources and difficulties encountered in providing a professional service. Organisations discussed included: Caritas, Society of St. Vincent dePaul, NASC, Employment centres etc. A number of references were made to specific disadvantaged groups during the presentations, for example the Roma community in Hungary, mentally and physically disabled people in Turkey, people with alcohol addiction in Finland, Unemployed people in Germany, Ireland and Hungary. The sources of funding available to these organisations was also examine and the very high degree of dependence on donations, charity events and volunteer activity was noted in all of the partner countries. Finally the role of education in contributing to breaking the cycle of disadvantae was discussed particularly in the context of life long learning. 

Workshop 3 - Communication and Dissemination
The focus of this workshop was on improving communication between project partners, ensuring that a forum was available for the exchange of project documents and presentations, and providing for a high level of project dissemination. Presentations were given on the project website, project Facebook page and on the use of Google Docs as a platform for information exchange. A member of the Spanish team will produce tutorial material for the partners on the use of Google Docs. 

Workshop 4 - Preparation for meeting in Finland
The itinerary and workshop topics for the next meeting in Finland were discussed and the date for the meeting in Hungary was agreed.

Other Activities
The social programme during this meeting included a Walloon Soirée where partners from each country attended in traditional clothes, a hairdressing show presented by students of  Ecole Industrielle Marcinelle-Monceau and a visit to Brussels. The meeting events were filmed by Ecole Industrielle Marcinelle-Monceau.


Meeting Photos


St. John's Central College, Cork,  Ireland

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