in Turkey 20th - 24th October 2010 |
1 - Projet Objectives, Management and Planning
During workshop 1 participants reviewed the objectives of the project. The
schedule of activities was discusses and a management team was put in
place. It was decided that all participants would open an account with
Google Docs to facilitate the easy distribution of project presentations
and other documents. In addition a Facebook group was established to
allow for the exchange of ideas and to facilitate discussion between
project meetings. A project website is to be established and the Irish
partners will take on this task. It was also decided that a student
competition to design a project logo will be initiated with a suitable
prize given to the winning entry. The Hungarian partners will run this
competition. See winning logo
2 - Who are the Disadvantaged?
This workshop concentrated on identifying the categories of people who can
be included under the general term of disadvantaged. Presentations were
delivered by each partner on this topic and there was wide consensus as to
the people the project will look at. The main categories identified
1. Long Term Unemployed (The definition of long term unemployed varied
from country to country)
2. Early School Leavers
3. Prisoners (It was noted that some studies indicate that up to 80% of
prisoners are early school leavers)
4. Single parents
5. People with Drug / Alcohol addiction
6. Immigrants
7. Marginalised groups - Roma / Travelling Community
8. Economic Disadvantage
9. People with learning disability / Literacy issues
10. People with physical disability
11. Children of disadvantaged parents
The importance of each group varies somewhat from country to country. The
purpose of providing education to disadvantaged people was also discussed.
While the economic benefits are obvious the enrichment of the individuals
life was seen as a key factor. This was of particular concern where second
or third generation disadvantage is present. The issues discussed at this
workshop will inform the workshop agenda for future project meetings.
Workshop 3 - Preparation for meeting in Belgium
date for the meeting in Belgium was agreed and there was some discussion
as to the itinerary to be put in place for this meeting. A date for the
third meeting in Finland was also agreed.
Other Activities
In addition to the workshops project participants visited Kuşadası
Hasan Fatma Önal Anadolu Lisesi and an adult education centre.
Presentations were given by staff at both institutions explaining the work
that they are engaged in and tours of both facilities were organised. A
very interesting social program was also organised around the workshops.